Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Ultimate Diet?

How about this for a diet.

This diet can cut your risk of heart disease by 76%*.

150ml glass of wine per day
114g of fish (4xweek)
100g of dark chocolate per day
285g of vegetables per day
115g of fruit per day
2.7g of garlic per day
68g almonds per day

Now before you pop the cork and open the chocolate, wait...

This diet will, according to the research, reduce your risk of heart disease by 76%:
the wine by 32%
the the garlic by 25%
the fruit & vege's by 21%
the dark chocolate by 21%
the fish by 14%
the almonds by 12.5%.

Note that this diet is quite calorie enriched and yet does not contain your cereals and breads and other meats that you may consume during the day. The suggested items, when combined, contain over 78g of fat while you want to aim for 30-40g of fat or less to lose weight. So, enjoy, but be careful with what you eat.


*British Medical Journal, August, 2006 & Ultra-Fit Australia, Issue 101.

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