Monday, April 16, 2007


Did you know that just under 1 million Australians over the age of 25 have diabetes, and for every known case there is one undiagnosed. Thats nearly 2 million Ausralians with diabetes!There are 275 new cases diagnosed EVERY DAY! One in four Australians aged 25 and over has diabetes or is "pre-diabetic", that is, they have impaired glucose metabolism.

So, what can you do to help protect yourself?

Let's look at the exercise side of the equation.

Exercise may prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 diabetes and may help improve glycaemic control if you already have diebetes. So, how much exercise should you do?

The American Diabetes Association recommends 150 minutes or more week of moderate aerobic physical activity and/or at least 90 minutes of more intense aerobic exercise. This should be undertaken at least 3 times per week with no more than two days without physical activity. Also, resistance training (weights) 3 times per week working all the muscle groups is recommended.

If you want more advice on exercise for diabetes, give me a call.
