Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Not to Tax on Fitness!

Kind readers of Healthy Hints, your action is desparately needed.

In a desperate money grab, record industry bosses want to hike up the fees fitness centres pay for music – in many cases by more than a staggering 4000% - to plug a hole left in their pockets by declining CD sales. Note that this money will go to record companies, not the artists!

The proposal will see the fees the fitness industry pays for the use of music rise from $1.5 million per year to a possible $100 million per year.

At a time when Australia has been named the fattest nation in the world, people should be encouraged to exercise and get healthy – instead, the record industry is trying to impose a tax on fitness that will almost certainly result in an increase in your membership fees, and put fitness centres out of business.


The fitness industry is not taking this lying down and will oppose it when the case goes to the Copyright Tribunal on 16th March. You can find out more at
www.fitness.org.au, but what we really need you to do is show your support by clicking the link below and registering your protest. And spread the word - get your friends involved, talk about it online – anything that will help us tell the record industry bosses that you’re not going to accept this unwarranted and unfair cash grab.

Register your protest now at www.taxonfitness.org

Thanks for your help
